It's all about the grain

Ben and I started Little Hat Creek Farm because we wanted to have a positive impact on our local food system. I baked for eleven years, heating my oven with wood and insisting on buying mostly local grain, because my job was to connect my community of eaters with the land through grain and heat.

Wonder what motivates me to do what I did? This is it. 

I don't bake any more; my life changed and it was no longer the right job for me. But I still think about grain. Who milled the flour, and who grew that grain? And why do those people--the millers and grain farmers--show up in children's books, but not really any where else? The Common Grain Alliance is a non-profit that seeks to change that by revitalizing a regional grain economy in the Mid-Atlantic. In 2018 I became the founding Chair of the CGA, serving for three years before stepping aside to watch it grow by leaps and bounds. I am so proud of where the organization is today.

So while we closed the bakery in 2025, its legacy lives on in the Common Grain Alliance. And as long as I am around, you can always write me for some free sourdough starter. Happy baking!